Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dateline Nashville - CMA Music Fest - Day Two

We got up bright and early ready to hit the autograph lines again and today would bring a dream come true... meeting the boys of Sawyer Brown!  I knew they would be signing around 11am so we needed to make sure we were there the minute the doors opened so we could get tickets.  Both of us had blistered feet and were exhausted but knew the adrenaline would kick in once we were downtown in the thick of all the action.   We checked into our hotel (best decision ever!) and bought passes for the shuttle (second best decision ever!).   The bus ride was relaxing and dropped us off directly in front of the Convention Center.  Turns out they weren't giving out tickets for the Sawyer Brown line... you just had to show up.  After synchronizing our watches, we set out to see who we could see.

First up - Steel Magnolia.  We didn't meet them... just took the photo op.  I love her sense of style though!!  

 It was much easier to meet the up and coming (and remember, EVERYONE who is now famous was once up and coming!)  This gal was so very sweet!  Loved her and love her music!  Meet Jourdan Pace!

 Clay Walker was there... remember him?  He's a bit older but still very popular... couldn't stand in his line since it was too long.  He still looks great in a cowboy hat! 

Aaron Kelly of American Idol fame was there.  My daughter LOVED him when he was on the show so we had to meet him and get an autograph.  A lot of people were charging for 8x10's and he was one of them but he was so very sweet and gracious and the smile on Kayla's face was worth the $10.  

As promised here is Photo Booth pic # 2.  This time we discovered the props.  Well, actually the crown and Happy Birthday glasses were mine to begin with.  

The Durango booth also offered free pics and we took ours "in front of the Ryman Auditorium."  Ya didn't know I played Gui-tar, did ya?

While we were at the Durango Booth we met these guys.  No idea what the band's name is but its a cute picture of me and Mandie.  :)  Once again, just killin time before meeting SAWYER BROWN!

We met all kinds wandering around the convention center.  Loved the cool guitar glasses and we tried to figure out where to get a pair but better luck next time.  Don't they just look like guys who would wear guitar glasses? 
 Mandie went to find herself something to eat and I slid over to the Farm Boy booth.  Its a good thing I did as the line was already forming.   I was number 35 so my odds were pretty good I'd get to meet the Boys!  They were selling pictures for $5 and of course I had to have one for them to sign.  The closer we got the more I started to shake.  I had a whole speech in my head about how people say they are the "biggest fan" and while I may not follow them from town to town on account of having a life, I had watched since Star Search and had seen them in person 5 times.  I wanted to tell Mark Miller that he inspires me with his passion and it was my birthday and this was the best present ever!   You know how you build something up in your head and then it happens and its not as fabulous as you think it will be?   So yeah, I got up to him and blurted it all out and I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a nutjob.  But here's our pic.  

The rest of the boys were as nice and gracious as could be.   Joe, the drummer, has been with the band since the beginning.   I met him once before in Tunica, MS along with a couple of the other guys. 
 Hobie is looking in this direction in every picture I have of him.  Not sure what was going on down there.  He plays keyboards and takes care of their Facebook page.  He made a big deal of it being my birthday and I can't thank him enough for that.  He will forever be my favorite.  
 Don't get me wrong.  Mark is a nice guy, I'm sure.  I was just really surprised by how quiet and reserved he was in person.  Nothing like his stage persona.    Oh well, I met him and I can mark it off my Bucket List.  Won't make such a big effort if I ever make it back to Music Fest though.   Once is enough. 

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