Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Do what you love, love what you do

I have always firmly believed that you should do what you love and love what you do. I've been pretty lucky to have jobs that make me feel like I'm making a difference in the world (except for that one month I worked as "Label Maintenance" at Target ...just me and a bunch of shelves and price labels. It's as awful as it sounds)

I had a possible new opportunity come my way this week and while I would have enjoyed it, I know in my heart I am exactly where God wants me to be right now. On Monday AM, three of my kids nearly knocked me over as they ran towards me screaming "Ms Betsey we missed you!!!!" and wrapping their arms around my legs in the best kind of five year old hug. On Tuesday they showered me with Valentine love. 

And today, well today I cried the sweetest, proudest tears, as the kid who struggles the most to learn, made a perfect J with Froot Loops and then asked to do it again. He's learning!! And I'm teaching him! Who can ask for more?? 

#MsBetseysPreschoolAdventures #Ilovemyjob#itsnotworkwhenyouwoulddoitforfree #blessed

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thoughts on life and death...

I know a lot of people who have earned their angel wings. A lot. 

But since I was very young, I've been very aware of the fragility of life. I consider that perspective a gift. It's why I try not to sweat the small stuff. It's why I do my best to find old friends and keep old friends. It's why I wear deelyboppers on my head in public and why I laugh at my class clown for just a second before trying to regain control of the room. It's why I love to tell strangers their smile or laugh made me smile. It's why I try to always make sure friends and family know how much they mean to me. Say what you need to say-Always. It's why I love a good book and a great movie... everyone has a story to tell and everyone's story deserves to be heard. It's part of why I believe in God because I find comfort in knowing those lost are still watching over me. And faith is the only way I can deal with the sudden, much too young losses.

I have to believe there is a plan and a purpose. The people who have gone before me have all left a mark on my soul. I remember their smiles, their voices, their laughs. Every person I meet changes me hopefully for the better. I long to be someone who others see as kind, compassionate and loving. Because even if we all plan to live to be 117, there will always be those who leave us too soon. I want to make sure my last words to them were kind ones and I pray maybe I changed their life for the better too.

So yes, I know a lot of angels but that just means my life is rich and full. Life isn't about politics or business or money or things. Life is about humanity and compassion and kindness and love. Life is fragile but it was also meant to be LIVED OUT LOUD! It's meant to be fun and silly and spontaneous and even sad and tragic and unexpected. Sometimes all of those things happen in one single day. But embrace it! With each moment LOVE fully and smile at strangers. Cry at Hallmark commercials and just sit on the couch doing nothing with your significant other or your kids. Those insignificant moments become significant when memories are all that are left behind. 

#ibelieveinangels #kindnessmatters #makeeverybreathcount#wearthedeelybopperswithwildabandon