Friday, March 21, 2008

No news really.  I'm bored silly.  I've had a few phone calls which were nice.  I'm trying to clean out the DVR.   After that I'll attack my DVD collection.  I was a bit scared at first about touching stuff and I'm still trying to keep the same path around the house so I only have to wipe down certain things tomorrow.    Its really wierd because I feel perfectly fine.   I feel like getting out and hitting the big sale at Kohl's.   However, instead I'm locked in my house with no one to talk to but the cats.  Tomorrow can't come fast enough.   You'd think three days kid free would be a wonderful thing and maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I could do something besides internet surf or watch tv.   But, ok, fine, I'm still a bit scared about touching stuff.   I put butter on a roll today... does that mean I have to throw the tub of butter out?  Is my toothbrush going to be radioactive?  Do I need to put a new bar of soap in the shower tomorrow?  Should I keep shoes on at all times so I don't contaminate the carpet?  And then what about my shoes?  Do I need to throw them in the wash?   Is it ok to fold the chlothes in the dryer?  Are the kitties going to be radioactive since they are hanging out at my feet or cuddled next to me on the couch (no matter how many times I push them away)?

These are my burning questions.

Don might come by later and throw a Subway sandwich my way.   He can't get within 6 feet of me but it will be nice to see him.

This is all going to be worth it in the end.  Really.  Three days is nothin compared to getting my life back, right?

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