Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dinner with Friends

We had friends over for dinner last night and had a great time.  We don't do that often enough.  Our house is way to small to entertain a whole lot of people at one time but last night was tons of fun and Don and I both agreed we should do it more frequently.    Anyway, it made me want to tell ya'll about an idea for a restaurant I have (that I'll never have enough $$ to start but it would be cool if someone else did).   I'd call it The Chat Room and in the spirit of a Japanese restaurant, you'd sit with strangers (I'd probably serve Italian food).  The tables would have to be smaller though... they would only seat 6 so that its easy to talk.  In the middle of the table would be a fishbowl or some kind of container with questions in it.   Each seat is numbered and the #1 spot picks a question first.  Religion & politics would be taboo... the questions would be more along the lines of "if you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy".    Each person at the table would answer and you would see where the discussion leads.  When the drinks come, the #2 seat picks a new question and no matter where you are in the conversation you have to switch gears, appetizer #3 picks and so on and so on.   I think I'm gonna test it out next time we have a dinner party.   Wanna come?

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