Sunday, March 4, 2007

Dear Gracie

My Dear Sweet Gracie,  

I can't believe you are not a baby anymore.  When you turn two you have to be called a "toddler" even though you certainly don't toddle... you run, jump, wiggle, dance, and run some more.  In fact, your favorite game right now is "I'm going to get you!"   But I digress... I want to write about your birthday party before I forget all the fun detail.s... its already sort of a blur.      We had such a fun time and I can't wait to see the pictures that your Uncle Dan took.   The party was sort of chaotic but that just makes it more fun in my opinion.  Aunt Wendy and your cousin Anna came first and it was nice to see them... Anna is 6 now but she still won't speak to me when she comes over.   She clams right up and won't say a word.... until she goes to Kayla's room to play and then she and Kayla chatter nonstop!   Nana walked in next and she loved you new Elmo outfit!  It looked so cute on you even if it was a 3T and the pants  hung halfway off your bootie making you look like a rap star. 

A few minutes later the rest of the crowd swarmed in and we had a party!   We ate cheese and crackers and watched the video from the day you were born laughing as we watched Daddy practice his labor pain breathing like Bill Cosby.   Remind me to show you that Bill Cosby routine when you get older.   Next we cleared off the coffee table and turned on TMX Elmo.  The kids all gathered around and giggled for about 30 seconds and then went back to the play corner to play with your other toys.  The adults however thought Elmo was a riot and couldn't get enough!  I was entertained watching all of them be entertained.   After Elmo settled down, we opened all your presents.   Well, Kayla and Allison opened all of your presents.  You were way more interested in playing with the Sesame Street stickers I put in your birthday card.   Who knew?   I would have bought you a hundred sheets of stickers if I had known how happy they made you.   Kayla and Allison did a great job reading all the birthday cards in unison and ooohed and ahhed appropriately over every gift as if they were all for them.   You got some really fun toys and three very pretty dresses.    And what came after presents?  Cake of course!   It was chocolate with white icing and a photo of you, Ernie, and Bert on the fire truck at Wal-Mart.    We couldn't bear to cut the part of the cake with your face on it so we've just cut around it and there you are still in a little square.   I think you were a bit overwhelmed at cake time although you did enjoy the singing and even tried to blow out your candles.   I don't want to fast forward life but I can't wait for next year when you'll really understand all the hype!    Everyone left shortly after cake so that you could have a much needed nap and we spent the rest of the day opening all your toys and playing with each one.   You love the Weebles, the Elmo Water Baby doll, and your Elmo Knows your Name Elmo doll.    But what did you play with most of all last night before bed?  Yep, those stickers.  And what did you ask for first thing this morning?   Yep, the stickers!   Oh Gracie you make my laugh, you make me smile, you make my heart swell up from all the love I have for you.   I can't believe you are all went by so fast and you've learned so much.   Maybe in your third year I'll be better about writing it all down.   Happy Happy Birthday my beautiful redheaded wonder.   Daddy, Sissy, and I love you high as the sky.   


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