Friday, December 21, 2007

Today my daughter reaches double digits. Someone mentioned to me the other day that she’ll never be single digits again. She will forever have two numbers on her cake now. I had a very short pregnancy with her… she wasn’t born early… I just found out about my pregnancy a bit late. Let’s just say Oprah would love to talk to me! To this day I don’t even remember being pregnant. Its like Kayla just fell from heaven right into my arms! Thank you so much God for my little angel.

She’s at such an in between stage right now. She loves Pokemon as much as she loves lip gloss. I know in a few weeks we’re going to have to sit down and have some talks about birds and bees stuff and I’m just so not ready for that. Her friend M is already wearing a bra! In some ways I’m sad to see her growing up so fast but in others I’m excited about her teenage years… the school dances, the boy crushes, the chick flicks and mother/daughter shopping days. My mother has already warned me about the teenage angst she’ll probably deal with. My mom knows because Kayla’s personality is so much like my sister’s (love you M-E!). That’s not a bad thing mind you… they are just very “high spirited” which I’ve realized only means that Kayla will grow into a very strong woman one day just like my sister. She absolutely has a huge heart for animals and I wouldn’t be surprised to see her as a vet or a zookeeper one day. She loves to sing and the songs I like best are the ones she comes up with herself. She’s a great Mama Duck to her baby sister and only occassionally yells at her for messing with her stuff. She’s a voracious reader and reads on an 8th grade level even though I can’t let her read 8th grade level books yet due to subject matter. She’s one of the smallest in her class but is obviously growing because her shirts have suddenly all become belly shirts. She has hair as thick as mine that she hates to brush but I know one day it will be one of her greatest assets.

Happy Birthday my sweet spunky little lady! Mama loves you “high as the sky”!

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