Monday, October 23, 2006

They grow so fast!

Gracie will be 20 months old on November 3rd.  That thought just blows me away.  She is such a little girl now and not so much a baby, especially since she has decided that her crib is cool and she no longer needs rocking.  I thought it was a phase at first but we're going on a week and a half and of her putting herself to sleep at naps and at bedtime.  Its heavenly I tell you!  Heavenly!!    Now if I could get my almost 9 year old to stop being co-dependent at bedtime....

Gracie is parroting everything.   Her vocabulary is unending and she comes up with new phrases every day.  I don't remember Kayla talking this much at this age.  She picks up a glass from the coffee table and says "Daddy's" or Mommy's depending on who was drinking out of it.  Then she carries it into the kitchen and puts it in the sink.  (nothing has broken yet thankfully).   I think its amazing that she can put possessives to objects already.

She has a shape sorter and has recently figured out where each shape fits.   She'll put the circle in the square and say "noooo" and then turn it until she finds the circle hole. 

There is a song we sing in Kindermusik that goes "bells away, bells away, time to put the bells away, thank you for helping me, put the bells away".   You can substitute any word for "bells" such as books, toys, dishes, whatever.   Gracie sings it for everything.   We started using it as a cue to pick up her books several months ago and now she knows all the words and right tune and plugs in whatever word that fits at the time.   Tonight she was wearing Kayla's hat and she took it off and started singing "hats away, hats away"   Too cute!!

She loves to feed her stuffed animals as well as offer milk / juice.   She makes a slurpy sound as the animal eats or drinks. 

If you say "thank you" she says "welcome".

When we're at the grocery store in the dairy aisle, I'll take a bag of cheese or a package of sandwich meat and hand it to her so she can put it up to her cheek and say "cold".

Speaking of the grocery store, she loves canned sliced carrots, green beans, cheese, yogurt, turkey, and applesauce ("sauce").   She also adores the new Apple Chips. 

On rare occassions when we do rock to sleep, she thinks I'm a human jukebox.  She asks for Twinkle and as soon as I start to sing, she says "Aceees" which translates to ABC's.    Three notes in she says "Tura" which is Tura Lura Lura and then we round it out with "Baby" = Rockabye Baby.    It cracks me up because I never get to finish a song.   Sometimes she asks for Sesame or Elmo as well.   The Elmo's World theme actually works really well as a lullaby when you slow it down a bit.

Her favorite toy right now is a collection of plastic letters that link together.  She knows the letters X, D, and Q.   She links them and then hands them to me and says "Mama, fix" which means please take them all apart again.

Oh, and she's figured out how to undress herself.  Luckily, the diaper has stayed on so far.

She loves loves Sesame Street and "tubbies" (Teletubbies) and asks for "tb" in the AM.

Knows when she's wet but I'm so not ready for potty training yet!

She loves to swing and climbs into the baby swing on the playground at church and buckles herself in.

Does a little dance when you ask her what a monkey says.   

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