Things were trucking along pretty well for us for a while now. And then last night happened. Due to a freakish medical incident ((#RespecttheHIPPAyall)), Don had a single car accident. Car (borrowed from a friend) totaled, Don thankfully just bruised but what this is really about is just the reminder of how precious each moment is.
The car stopped feet away from a gas line.
The car didn't hit the tree in the path.
The accident happened on our street (literally 10 ft from our house- and not on Hwy 64 where he could have hit someone head on.
He was wearing a seatbelt and the airbag worked.
So many factors could have been different. Don't take your family for granted. Don't take your health for granted. We are still processing the situation and there are a lot of complicated things ahead but my husband is asleep in the bedroom instead of a hospital or not here at all.
For that I'm grateful.